Seminar on EHR Related Liability for Your Organization

EHR selection and deployment is rapidly accelerating due to the ARRA Stimulus Incentives and healthcare industry demands.  However, EHR selection, deployment, and use can result in significant medical professional liability (MPL) exposure.  Unfortunately, many physicians and healthcare organizations (HCO) are being given advice and instructions that can increase MPL risk.  In many cases, misguided approaches to EHR selection, implementation and use could be used to support a malpractice claim or undermine the efficacy of EHR records that are used to document and explain patient care.

EHR Related Medical Professional Liability comprehensively covers EHR related MPL to help managers understand the issues and mitigation strategies to avoid EHR related MPL risk as well as establish a results oriented EHR endeavor.  This comprehensive presentation includes:

Part 1 – Survey of EHR Related MPL Risk
Itemize EHR related MPL threats facing HCOs and practices.

Review EHR industry issues related to MPL including Meaningful Use.

Discuss EHR activities that could undermine MPL defense.

Part 2 – Review of EHR Related MPL Associated with EHR Selection
Discuss internal issues that distort or corrupt the EHR selection process.

Survey external influences that lead to product compromises and undermine EHR selection.

Identify key selection criteria related to MPL exposure.

Formulate selection strategies and choices that can mitigate the chance of an inappropriate decision.

Part 3 – EHR Contracting Issues that Affect MPL
Present common contract terms that could impact MPL defenses.

Review contractual affects on operations and MPL risk.

Part 4 – EHR Product Features and Designs that Pose MPL Threats
Discuss specific EHR features and mitigation strategies to address MPL risk.

Review systemic and feature designs that pose MPL defense problems.

Review controllable risk issues and mitigation strategies

Part 5 – EHR Product Deployment Strategies that Affect MPL Risk
Present EHR use strategies to mitigate MPL risk.

Review transition strategies from paper charts to EHR and old EHR to new EHR in light of MPL risk and defense strategies.

Discuss the clinical decision making needed to avoid treatment and patient service problems.

Part 6 – EHR Support and Management Strategies and MPL Risk
Review preserving the integrity of the EHR over time.

Discuss vendor and practice related changes that could result in MPL risk and undermine MPL defense.

Define the EHR support strategies to guide physicians and avoid MPL risk.